Our Highlights additional Boat Trips >>
Saar Bend return excursion
Untitled document Saar Bend return trip, from Mettlach
about 1 ½ hours, including lock passage
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King John return excursion
Untitled document Departure Saarburg, Brückenstrasse
about 1 ¼ hours
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Day excursion to Mettlach
Untitled document Saarburg-Mettlach-Saarschleife & zurück
Immer Donnerstags & SamstagsInformation and Booking > -
Day excursion to Saarburg
Untitled document Mettlach – Saarburg and return
Thursdays & Saturdays -
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One way
Untitled document Scheduled trips (one way) May 1 to the end of September - every Thurs. & Sat., about 1 ¾ hours
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